News & Commentary

Cleveland, Ohio Attorney At Law

Vote “No” to Issue 1 on Aug 8th, 2023

Vote “No” to Issue 1 on Aug 8th, 2023

On August 8th, voters statewide will address Issue 1, the Republican Legislature’s effort to raise the vote margin required on citizen-initiated referendum, an amendment to the Ohio Constitution, from simple majority (50%+1) to a 60% supermajority.  The proposal...

A Bike/Walk Lane for the Innerbelt Highway Bridge

A Bike/Walk Lane for the Innerbelt Highway Bridge

There is an effort to get a bike and pedestrian lane added to the proposed I-90 innerbelt bridge, offering a dramatic, beautiful, healthy and practical connection to walk or ride downtown.  Residents or visitors could connect to the towpath trail to Akron,...

Unleashing Creativity in the Community

Unleashing Creativity in the Community

How important is the arts in a community? To co-opt a famed playwright, "Let Me Count The Ways:"Improves Academic Performance: Students engaged in arts and culture have improved academic performance in areas of reading and math. These students organize ideas more...